Small dicks” is formed by art duo alterego Chad and Steve, who met on intelectual level. The final form of art pieces results from mutual discussions and controversy over the issue of a specific topic. In these artistic communications, as the name says, we are stylized in the contrasting presentation of magnificence, egoism and pomposity. Desire for big genitals is un-derstood as an archetype of ego domination and in our case is banalized and taken as an ironic absurdity.


Gold brick
(object 37x24x24 cm) funkcions as an irony of human desire for continual sensation and immedi-ate satisfaction.


Little big Slovakia
(object 220x170x50 cm) is a reaction to the slogan that represents our country.It is an irony of illusionary patriotism that glorifies the Slovak nation and over – interprets its abilities and unique position in the world. Despite of globalization and openness of the world, the exaggerated spirit of the Slovak nation continuously remains to be deeply rooted in Slovaks.


Magister degree and what next?
(paint) University graduation signature

mgr art a co dalej

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(object 60x80x15 cm)


(object 30x40x20 cm) neverending story


Attention! Art falls
(intervention in the inscription on the gallery)
